This campaign has ended.
Thank you!

  • Win one free night at the Nagoya Marriott Associa Hotel! (deluxe twin room)
  • Discount coupons to the value of 3,000 yen!
    (coupons can be used at restaurants at the Towers Plaza, Gate Tower Plaza and the Gate Walk)
  • Original gifts from the Chubu area!

How to enter

Access the questionnaire at the bottom of the page and simply complete the brief questionnaire!!

Once you have completed the questionnaire enter your name (nick name) and e-mail address.

  • *Entries will be accepted up until March 14, 2021.
  • *Lucky winners will be contacted by e-mail after they have entered.
  • *Accommodation vouchers and discount coupons can only be used in Japan.
  • *Prizes are subject to change without notice.

Facility and gift details


Enjoy a special night at the Nagoya Marriott Associa Hotel directly connected to the station…

The Nagoya Marriott Associa Hotel has welcomed guests from all over the world and embodies the spirit of hospitality that the Marriott is renowned for.

> See here for more information
The Nagoya Marriott Associa Hotel is conveniently located directly above Nagoya Station.

Situated on the 15F, the front lobby boasts an elegance and spacious area you would not believe was sitting atop a train station. Luggage can be left at the hotel prior to check-in.


Use your coupon at "Meieki" (Nagoya Station ) to enjoy Japan with our special offers.

(coupons can be used at restaurants at the Towers Plaza, Gate Tower Plaza and the Gate Walk)

"Meieki" features a massive commercial complex that starts underground, extending to the top of a high-rise building. Enjoy the culinary delights of Japan and shopping at "Meieki".

  • *we change business hours without notice and may be closed.
> See here for more information
Japan's largest restaurant floors, "Towers Plaza" and "Gate Tower Plaza"!

These boast the largest restaurant floors in Japan with over 70 restaurants. Enjoy a variety of cuisine, including Japanese, Western and Chinese cuisine.


Gorgeous Central Japan's original gifts!

Providing traditional arts and crafts created by Japanese craftsmen.

Gold Leaf Mouse pad

Work in a fancy mood

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